When you lose your smile, you lose a part of who you are. You lose a bit of who you can show yourself to be to the world—who your friends and family love, the person that you are in the photographs that hang on your wall. You may still be that person on the inside, but losing that bit of yourself on the outside can be detrimental to your mental health. This is just one reason why dental implants are so important. They make an impact far beyond the realm of dentistry and tooth care. Dental implants provide the ability to smile confidently again. Dental implant surgery is a common form of facial cosmetic surgery, bringing youth and vitality back to your face and smile in a way that can restore the ability to feel confident while talking, eating, and engaging in everyday life.
About Dental Implants
Dental implants are a form of artificial teeth that are permanently placed within the mouth and jaw. Unlike dentures, implants are not removed daily, thereby only offering temporary functionality. Dental implants are a more permanent solution for tooth loss. They are made to look, feel, and act just like natural teeth. This not only allows for the entire mouth to look and feel more natural, it also helps to ensure the health and vitality of other teeth in the mouth. This helps you also maintain the integrity of your dental health long-term.
Dental implants are ideal for people who:
- Have one or more missing teeth
- Have a jawbone that is strong enough to endure the procedure
- Are unable or are unwilling to wear dentures
- Have a speech impediment that could be improved by dental implants
About the Procedure
Dental implants are held in-place by a metal post that is placed into the gum and jaw bone. The metal post is topped by an artificial tooth that is then installed along the gum line, just as a genuine tooth would sit. The artificial tooth can be designed to match the structure and size of the original tooth exactly. This match reduces any disruption within the feel of the mouth and helps keep biting and chewing intact. Dental implants can be utilized to replace a single missing tooth or can be used to replace an entire line of missing teeth, depending on the needs of the individual.
Dental implant surgery is a one-time procedure. The root of the missing tooth is replaced with the screw-like posts on which the artificial tooth is attached. The artificial tooth resembles a real tooth in every way. Additionally, it should be treated just like a regular tooth through regular dental-care maintenance. This includes brushing and flossing. There are several different types of dental implants. The most popular is titanium. Titanium is by-far the most popular option due to the durability of the artificial tooth. The titanium structure of the tooth fuses the implant with the jawbone so that it remains firmly in place and won’t allow it to decay unlike some other options.
The Benefits
There are many reasons why dental implants may be more ideal than temporary dental solutions like dentures. The more permanent solution of a dental implant is much more convenient for those who are on the go and don’t want to be held back by dentures. Dentures take more time and attention as they require regular cleaning, removal, and the application of glue. The recovery from dental implant surgery is also typically pretty quick. Once recovered, many do not have any long-term dental issues that require follow-up dental care, other than regular maintenance with their dentist. Dental implants completely eliminate the inconvenience of dentures. They restore the feeling and function of your natural teeth without having to rely on dentures ever again.
Contact Our Experts for Dental Implants
For more information about dental implant surgery, including to find out if you are a good candidate for the procedure, contact our office for a consultation. We have convenient locations in Melbourne and Rockledge.