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While our culture has become more accepting of varied appearances, with body positivity and fat activism going mainstream, the numbers are out and they affirm that cosmetic procedures are on the rise. And why shouldn’t they be? If looking different makes you feel more confident, more appealing, then why shouldn’t you choose to accentuate your looks? Of the 15.9 million minimally-invasive cosmetic surgical procedures that were performed in 2018, the majority included Botox and Dysport injections, fillers, chemical peels, and microdermabrasion. All of which are procedures to improve the look of one’s skin and facial structure. Additionally, our team at Sunrise Facial and Oral Surgery are proud to provide them! We are even offering some exciting discounts as we enter the fall and winter months.
Why Choose Facial Cosmetic Surgery
One of the primary reasons why more people than ever are choosing cosmetic procedures like fillers and Dysport injections is because of the increasing amount of screen time our faces receive. Surprisingly, those numbers came out before coronavirus. As of late, the number of people using screens to interact with others has increased exponentially. Zoom conferences, selfies, cell phone Facetime conversations, and other social media platforms and trends have all driven a desire for facial cosmetic surgery. So if you fall into this category, you are not alone.
Of course, more screen time is only one reason people are increasingly looking for facial cosmetic surgeries. Other reasons include a desire for greater self-confidence, the technological advances that have made procedures safer, the trend towards the procedures themselves being more acceptable, and a drive down in prices that make them more affordable. In fact, our team at Sunrise Facial and Oral Surgery is proud to offer several fantastic fall and winter specials for those looking for cosmetic facial procedures.
Facial Cosmetic Evaluations and Discounts on Cosmetic Procedures
Unfortunately, not everyone who has interest in facial cosmetic surgery is a good candidate. Our team at Sunrise Facial and Oral Surgery is currently offering discounted facial cosmetic evaluations in which we meet with you on a one-on-one basis to determine if a certain procedure is the right one for you and your goals. We can then determine together whether you are a good candidate. Some key considerations to keep in mind is that we will be looking for good overall general health, a non-diabetic and a non-smoker for certain procedures, accept the risks of some side effects, and have realistic expectations of the procedure overall.
Once you have gone through a facial cosmetic evaluation with Dr. Kim at Sunrise Facial and Oral Surgery, we can decide what procedure and line of action is best to meet your cosmetic goals. Right now, this fall, we have two exciting fall cosmetic procedure specials.
- $3/unit for Dysport Injections. Dysport is one of the most recognized facial cosmetic treatments available here in the United States. This, along with Botox injections, are highly popular and effective. These injections are used for smoothing the fine and deep wrinkles that commonly occur around the face as one ages. The design of these injections effectively and safely relax facial muscles. Thereby, revealing a more youthful and alert appearance. This type of facial injection or facial cosmetic treatment is ideal for individuals who don’t like how lines appear in photographs and when corresponding via screens. Our Dysport injections will offer fantastic visible results within just five to seven days of treatment.
- $50 off of Dermal Facial Fillers. Where injections help smooth out wrinkles, Dermal facial fillers help provide volume and definition. In this facial cosmetic procedure, our team utilizes safe and effective injectable materials. These materials assist in restoring definition to targeted areas. Areas like forehead creases, lips, and nasolabial folds. This enables fillers to provide both the benefit of making your face and neck appear more full and youthful as well as remove wrinkles. Visible results are typically instant but ultimate results will be seen over several days.
Contact Sunrise Facial and Oral Surgery Today for a Cosmetic Facial Evaluation
Our team at Sunrise Facial and Oral Surgery is proud to provide our clients with five-star service and treatment. You don’t have to just take our word for it! Check out the article, A Wealth of Experience, written about Dr. Kim and the rest of our outstanding staff in Space Coast LIVING HEALTH. Contact us to schedule your evaluation appointment.