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Facial Rejuvenation Seminar “Renew You” a success! Last night, we held our semi-annual seminar on facial rejuvenation procedures offered in our office. We had a full house and truly appreciate the attendance in light of the last minute rescheduling (thank you Hurricane Nicole).
If you missed this event, please keep an eye out for the next one, tentatively to be held in the Spring 2023. Attendees learned about the following procedures:
- Our Facelift Procedures
- PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) Facial Fill
- Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)
- Browlifts
- Laser Resurfacing
- Fat Grafting
- Dysport / Restylane Injections
This is a great event to attend if you would like to meet Dr. Kim and any ask questions before booking a consultation. During the seminar, you will also enjoy complimentary wine and hors d’oeuvres, giveaways, and guest speakers who have had both past and/or recent procedures and our lovely Galderma rep who always makes time to speak with everyone as well!
We would like to give a special thank you to our guest speakers for sharing your experiences with our future patients. Most people want to hear from and see results from real patient testimonials before making this commitment and investment in themselves, and for that we are truly thankful for your testimonies.
Are you ready to rejuvenate? Contact us today and set up that consultation! Click Here
Enjoy a few photos from this fun event!